Getting Ready for my show at DaVinci's...

It was the first time I'd ever shown my "Maya series" which are the paintings that reflect my deeper, more expressive nature.  I often sign these paintings "Maya Humphrey" which is the name my daughter Lauren gave to me.  It was a matter of finishing the last couple of paintings to hang....

"FREE TO DANCE" (36 x 20 oil)

"APPLEBY RIDERS" (12 x 12 oil)

"Getting ready" in the traditional sense was really no big deal; not difficult, since I'd done so many in the past when Larry and I ran the gallery ourselves.  "Getting ready" emotionally was quite another matter.  My dear friend and fellow artist Howie Doyle had sent out an email to the community (he's a publisher and editor of a regional magazine) sending out such remarkable messages about my Art that sent me quaking, losing sleep, questioning my abilities to the core.  The comments seemed unreasonably glittering and could not possibly fit into any image I had of myself.  It literally took me the rest of the week to corral my ego again and not be attached to the outcome!

How feeble I can be at times.  Thank God that, while I'm painting at least, I am happy and free.